When you think about cacao powder, do you just think of the foods and drinks you can make from it, or do you also think of how you can use it to scale your beauty? Cacao powder is the unsweetened powder from cacao beans and it is packed with endless beauty benefits some of which we are going to look at today.

Skin repair

Cocoa powder has the ability to repair your skin cells. This is because it is full of antioxidants that fight free radicals that make your skin cells lifeless. Free radicals cause your skin to be dull and full of blemishes. You should not worry about that no more now that you know a natural solution! Mix cocoa powder with honey and apply it to your face as a mask. Let it sit for at least 5 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water. Repeat this daily and within no time, you will be back with your testimony. If you have large pores, you can add yogurt to the mask, it helps with skin tightening

Improves skin complexion

The flavonoids in cacao powder help to nourish and improve your skin complexion making it clearer and brighter. It helps to even out your skin. Cacao powder also improves skin elasticity and reduces dark marks. The caffeine and theobromine in the powder also contribute to the toning of the skin and making it firm. This is because they break down fats and eliminates excess fluid retention which results in puffy and sagging skin.

Softens darkens and makes hair shiny

Cocoa powder not only takes care of your skin but also your hair. It contains sulfur which is one of the vital minerals for hair health. With the continuous use of cocoa powder, you will realize that your hair darkens and becomes softer. Cocoa helps to nourish your hair and increase shine. If you want quicker results, try adding cocoa powder to your conditioner.

Reduces cellulite

We all know how hard it can be to get rid of cellulite. Well, cocoa powder is here to do some magic. The caffeine and Theobromine in the powder help to drain fat cells and promote the flow of excess fluids out of your body. This helps to firm and tighten your skin and therefore clear your cellulite. Make a cocoa powder scrub and take in cocoa often and you won’t regret the results.
