The cacao tree and its fruits are not only affected by diseases but also pests and insects. These live predators can cause massive damage to the tree and as a result low-quality products as well as low yields. All the farmer wants is to produce high yields and sell quality cacao that will be profitable at the end of the day, right? Let’s look at some of these dream-killers in the cacao plantation.


This slender red or brown insect with long legs and antennae causes wounds that look like punctures on young stems and pods. The affected areas rapidly turn black and this later leads to a discolored bark, dying leaves and branches, and unproductiveness of the cacao tree. The adult cacao mirid lays its eggs on the bark of the tree and it can lay up to 40 eggs. This insect “loves” direct sunlight and unshaded cacao trees act as hosts oftentimes. To manage the insect, providing shade to the growing trees is critical. Organic insecticides are also to manage the insect.


An adult female moth pod borer lays up to 200 eggs on the surface of a cacao pod. The larvae, cream in color, develop for 14-18 days before mutating. During this period, the larvae enter and exit the cacao pod leaving behind holes. This results in uneven and premature ripening of the fruit. The insects also eat the tissue around the seeds, and this causes the seeds to stick together. It gets very difficult to get the seeds out of the pods during harvesting. To manage the cacao pod borer, it is recommended to sleeve the pods once they start maturing to prevent the entry of any insects. Maintaining a good ecosystem is also a good solution as black ants and weaver ants help to manage the population of the pod borer. Pesticides can also be used.


This is a funny type of insect as it excretes sugary honeydew secretions. It is a flat oval to round disc-shaped insect covered with a waxy substance. It attracts ants because of its sugary secretions. It causes the growth of mold on trees and swollen shoots. To manage this pest, careful use of organic pesticides is used as chemicals can also destroy the mealybug’s enemies such as lady Beetle. Lady Beetles can also be used to manage the pest.


I would be lying if I told you that the Theobroma plant grows flawlessly without being affected by diseases. To shed some light, we will look at some of the diseases that affect this god-loved plant, the symptoms, and the causes. Always keep in mind that we at Tropical Cacao are always on our farms to ensure our plants are safe and the final product is safe. We are keen on adopting organic disease control methods on our farm.


This disease is very common in any cacao plantation and causes pod rotting. When the pods rot, then there is no harvest and in turn no money for the farmers. This disease only affects the growing pods. The first symptoms of the disease are brown spots that form on immature pods and within no time, they cover the whole pod. The frosty pod is caused by fungus and is transmitted by wind or water movement. It is very common during the rainy season. The disease, however, can be controlled by pruning/cutting the affected pods to reduce the spread. Organic fungicides are also used.


As the name suggests, this is the swelling of cacao leaves and shoots especially in young plants. It also causes reddening of the leaf veins, chlorotic spots, and patches on the leaves, reduced beans in the pods, and if not treated early can also cause the death of the tree. To control the disease, it is recommended that a gap of at least 10m is observed between cacao plantations. The affected trees and those around them should also be cut to stop the spread of the disease.


This is a very common disease in all cocoa-growing areas. It starts with translucent spots on the surface of the pods which develop rapidly into small hard spots. They cause the entire pod to be dark and necrotic. It also causes yellow to white patches on black trees and the entire internal tissue becomes dry and resulting in the mummification of the pods. To manage the disease, organic fungicides with copper are sprayed on the crops. The trees should also be well spaced to allow good air circulation and lastly, the mummified pods should be removed to avoid the spread of the disease.


This disease is characterized by the production of branches without fruit, the proliferation of shoots and brooms from the bud, and scattered pods with green patches which suggest uneven ripening of the fruit. It is also caused by fungus and can be controlled by the use of organic fungicides and the removal of the affected crops. Good sanitation is also key in controlling witches’ broom


By now you can confirm that we only adopt organic environmentally friendly farming techniques for our cacao. We want our customers and end users to get the best end products that will be beneficial to their bodies. It is important to note that pests nowadays are even becoming resistant to chemical pesticides and insecticides. Keeping up the organic pest control methods, however, has proven to work every time and still maintains the quality of the cacao. Let me lay out some of the pest management methods that we have adopted at Tropical cacao.

Handpicking and physical destruction of pests

I know how this sounds. It might not be as efficient as we are large-scale farmers but it works to some percentage. We have several laborers that monitor our farm daily. From our nurseries to the growing plants. They help handpick pests using sticks and wires whenever they come across them. This prevents the multiplication of pests and the destruction of our crops.

Shade management

Maintaining a regular shade level at the cacao plantation has helped us fight mirids greatly. We have always ensured that our crops are shaded properly to reduce the exposure to mirids and other pests that destroy the crop. Prevention is better than cure.

Planting trees which favor pest enemies

We have always practiced agroforestry on our farms not only for financial and food benefits but also to accommodate the pests’ enemies. Most of the crops and trees we have planted along with our cacao scare pests and this helps us manage our farms better.

Planting quality pest resistant seeds

We are known for quality and that starts right from the seeds. Our nurseries are full of quality seedlings that can resist most pests. This I can say is one of our major pest management practices that we have. Again, prevention is better.

Frequent pruning

Pruning is basically getting rid of plants that are hosting pests. If we realize during our daily monitoring sessions that a crop is hosting some pests, we get rid of it. This prevents the spread of pests to other healthy crops. This happens regularly


These articles keep on arousing your curiosity right? The topic today is even more fun to read. I will disclose some fun facts you probably did not know about chocolate.

  1. Do you remember the Aztecs? They used cacao beans as a form of currency. They would trade in cacao beans for whatever they wanted to get (barter trade)
  2. King Montezuma II used to drink at least 50 cups of chocolate every day. I can’t imagine he was always high (laughs)
  3. The first chocolate bar was invented in 1847 by Joseph Fry.
  4. During Thornton’s 100th birthday celebration, the largest chocolate ever was made. It weighed approximately 5,792kgs.
  5. It takes 400 cacao beans to make 1 pound of chocolate
  6. The Theobroma tree can live up to 200 years. It can only produce viable chocolate for 35 years only.
  7. Chocolate makes the human heart beat faster and the mind race faster than kissing.
  8. One cacao pod can contain up to 42 beans.
  9. One slave could be bought for 100 cacao beans during the Aztecs reign.
  10. One cacao tree can produce up to 2500 cacao beans
  11. The most famous chocolate cookie in the world was made by mistake!
  12. Chocolate is lethal to cats and dogs. Giving chocolate to dogs and cats can kill them or make them extremely ill.
  13. Cacao has more than 600 flavors compounds.
  14. Eating 10kgs of chocolate could result in the death of a human being
  15. The first chocolate bar was made in England by Cadbury
  16. Dark chocolate is a good source of antioxidants
  17. Chocolate is the only edible substance that melts so close to body temperature. It melts at 93 degrees Fahrenheit
  18. West Africa is the largest producer of chocolate.
  19. It takes up to 4 days to produce a single perfect chocolate bar
  20. It took 8 years to develop milk chocolate. It is the most consumed chocolate to date


Today let us answer the most questions asked in the internet about cocoa, cacao, cocoa farming, and everything revolving around Theobroma.


Yes! cocoa powder has small contents of caffeine ranging from 0.1% to 0.5% depending on the cacao beans used and the degree to which the cacao beans were fermented


This is quite obvious right? Cocoa has been proven to have numerous benefits. Cocoa is packaged with antioxidants that help take care of your body i.e. cardiovascular, hair, skin, weight, etc. Cocoa also helps elevate your mood. It has “feel-good” properties. Taking cacao every day has been proven to save lives from hair loss and depression. Cocoa, in addition, slows down aging, controls asthma, fights cancer, and boosts immunity, among other benefits.


I will confidently say yes. cocoa is rich in nutrients and it is therefore the best substitute to coffee. Coffee is rich in caffeine. Coffee is also more acidic as compared to cocoa. Both drinks have no calories and therefore good for people losing weight.


Cocoa powder and dark chocolate are both products of cacao. If you can find the bitter dark chocolate however then go for it. You will get more health benefits of the real organic cocoa.


Nausea, migraine, diarrhea, constipation, high blood pressure, and glaucoma are some of the said side effects that you can experience from taking raw cacao. All bodies react differently to everything; therefore, you should take caution before taking anything.


We have discussed the various products you can get from cacao and today we are going to talk about one of the most popular products and which is cacao butter. Cacao butter is also known as Theobroma oil. It is the vegetable fat that is extracted from cacao beans. Cacao butter is commonly known as cocoa butter, there is no difference between the two. So what benefits does cocoa butter provide to the end user? Let’s find out.

Cocoa butter prevents aging

Cacao butter is loved for its high concentration of antioxidants. Oleic acid, palmitic acid, and stearic acid are some of the fatty acids in cocoa butter that provide a layer of protection to the skin by neutralizing free radicals and reducing the occurrence of oxidative stress. They slow the development of wrinkles and keep your skin healthy all the time. Who wants to look old at these times anyway?

Cocoa butter improves cardiovascular health

Recent studies show that daily intake of cocoa has lowered the risk of heart diseases and premature deaths in the world. Cocoa butter has polyphenolic compounds that help lower the chances of hardening of the arteries. It also helps with fat metabolism and in turn, reduced chances of the risk of heart attacks

Cacao butter haircare benefits

Apart from its nice aroma, cocoa butter helps to moisturize your hair and produce healthier, stronger, and thicker hair follicles. It also ensures your scalp is healthy and therefore minimizes dandruff. Cacao butter reduces breakage, and dead and split ends. It has been proved to prevent onset patterns of male baldness.

Cocoa butter is a great skin moisturizer

If you struggle with dry and uneven skin, then you might have just found the solution. Cacao butter has a creamy texture and fatty acids that penetrate deep into your skin ensuring that your skin feels soft and healthy and is always hydrated. It also reduces scar appearances and aging effects on your skin.

Cocoa butter has very many health benefits and when consistently used provides your body with amazing results. Get the best organic cacao from us today.


Cacao beans are unprocessed beans that are peeled and chopped into chunks. They have a bitter chocolate flavor and can be used in place of chocolate chips in most instances. Cacao nibs are packaged with benefits and in this article, I have combined a few best ways how you can use cacao nibs at your home.

Add them to smoothies

Cacao nibs make excellent toppings for smoothies. They are paired with nuts and fruits to garnish and add nutritional benefits to smoothies. Their bitter taste helps to balance the sweetness in the smoothies.

Include them in salads

You have been missing out if you have not been using cacao nibs in your salads. They blend perfectly well, especially with salads that include fruits. For example, a spinach-strawberry salad. Adding cacao nibs makes it better and more nutritious. Try it out!

Make hot brewed cacao

I know by now you clearly understand what the ceremonial cacao drink is. Well, if you have some roasted cacao nibs, you can make a strong caffeine-free drink to satisfy your cravings. Add sweetener (I prefer honey as it’s natural), milk, and flavors until you get your desired cacao brew.

Fold cacao nibs into ice cream

Being a great fan of ice cream, I always know how I want my ice cream. I started adding cacao nibs to my ice cream and I have never gone back. Just add a few sprinkles of cacao nibs to your ice cream bowl and fold your ice cream letting everything blend. Cacao nibs add that chocolate-rich flavor to the ice cream making it tastier.

Use cacao nibs to garnish

Cacao nibs make the perfect garnish for frosted cupcakes and muffins, bread, and other pastries. They come with added nutritional benefits as well as flavor.

If you want to get the true taste of cacao nibs and the most quality cacao nibs, then tropical cacao is the best place to buy yours from. It is very important to always use organic cacao cultivated in the most organic farming methods. We guarantee you quality and full benefits. Contact Us today.


Most people will never differentiate cacao from cocoa. Well, that is okay but as chocolate lovers, I have made it intentional to feed us with knowledge about this great product. Although there is not much about the topic on the discussion today, you will get one or two points to carry home.

Although cacao and cocoa powders are by-products of the seeds of the cacao tree (Theobroma), there is a difference in the way they are processed. In the previous articles, I have told you how cocoa powder is formed. The cacao beans are fermented, dried, and roasted under high temperatures. After that, the hulls are removed, and then they are pressed to form the chocolate liquor. they are further pressed to extract cocoa butter and the powder that is left is what is called cocoa powder. Cacao powder undergoes an almost similar procedure but skips the roasting part. The cacao beans are cold pressed to separate the cacao butter from cacao solids. These solids are then ground to form cacao powder. The major difference is therefore on the processing procedures. Cacao powder is pressed under low temperatures while cocoa powder is pressed under high temperatures

The cacao powder is ground and sifted retaining most of the nutrients, enzymes, and minerals. Cocoa powder on the other hand loses most of its nutrients, minerals, and enzymes when pressed under high temperatures. Cacao powder is therefore considered “raw” and better for consumption.

The other difference between these two is the taste. Cacao powder is more bitter than cocoa powder. This again is because of the processing procedures. Cacao powder is however preferred as it is more natural and offers more nutritional benefits.

The chocolate flavor that cacao powder has is deeper than in cocoa powder and this is why most bakers prefer cacao powder. It is rich in flavor and deeper in color.

The cocoa powder loses its power as a superfood when it undergoes processing under high temperatures. Some processing companies also add sweeteners to cocoa powder. Cacao powder is left raw and this allows it to retain all its nutrients and therefore considered a “SUPERFOOD” That doesn’t mean that cocoa powder doesn’t have health benefits, it has. If you visit the grocery store and miss on cacao powder, take cocoa powder. It will work perfectly as a substitute.

However, this is why I prefer cacao powder over cocoa powder;

  • Cacao powder is full of antioxidants. Cacao has been proven to contain more antioxidants even more than blueberries. Antioxidants prevent diseases and help all the vital organs in the body function better.
  • Cacao powder is a mood enhancer. You remember those stories about the Aztecs and how they used cacao to make ceremonial drinks right? Raw cacao powder has compounds that help to relieve the body from anxiety and lift your mood.

If you like leveraging raw organic products as I do, then it’s definite that you will go for cacao powder. At tropical cacao, we ensure the consumers get the best quality, most organic, and benefits-packed cacao. Contact us


We have discussed over and again why it is important to consume organic cacao. It is everyone’s responsibility to take care of their health by caring about what they consume. It is difficult to differentiate organic and inorganic cacao. The difference comes in with the farming practices adopted. Organic farming protects the ecosystem by promoting the most sustainable farming methods. Organic farming helps the final consumer to get all the benefits of the product as well as a healthy final product.

At tropical cacao, we not only offer you quality but also the most healthy and organic cacao. We will quickly reflect on what makes us the best cacao producers.


We use the solar-powered “Futurepump SF2” to efficiently water all our plants. Sun is a renewable source of energy and when used effectively, gives the best results.


Many farmers have destroyed the soil acidity levels and killed all the important nutrients in soil by using fertilizers. That is something we highly disregard at tropical cacao. We use compost and animal manure to enrich our soils and this in the long run ensures that the consumers get cacao that is free from chemicals and toxins and importantly rich in nutrients.


It is very important that cacao grows under the right temperatures including sunlight and shade. Cacao that has been subjected to too much sunlight loses some of its nutrients and in-turn insufficiency in quality.


We do not fasten the fermentation process nor do we use electricity to dry our cocoa. We ensure that the end consumers get the true taste of cocoa. Through the right fermentation and drying methods, we sell cacao that is rich in flavor and deep in color.


If you have been reading our blog articles, then you definitely have a clue about cacao being used in ceremonies. It was not only used to bring people together but also to make them feel good when they came together. Cacao was believed to be a mood enhancer. This drink was very important in conducting some rituals too. In this article, I will give the cacao recipe that was used, and still is used, to make the best chocolate drink during ceremonies.

Unlike today, where cacao is first processed into chocolate paste or powder before making the ceremonial drink, cacao nibs were used in the making of this historical drink. Cacao nibs were roughly chopped and then grounded by women using stones. Once they got to that “powder form” they were ready for use. Remember everyone knew about the ceremonies in advance and therefore the cacao was fermented, dried, and roasted organically. This was done to ensure the drink maintained the color and flavors

So, how was the drink made?

  • Depending on the number of people, water was added into a big cooking pot
  • A pinch of natural chill was added
  • The grounded powder from the cacao nibs was added. This was also dependent on the number of visitors and the amount of water added.
  • The mixture was let to boil as stirring was done
  • They used wooden sticks to continually stir the drink until that frothy top was achieved
  • The frothy top was the indicator that the ceremonial drink was ready
  • Natural honey was added to sweeten the drink. This was optional for some ceremonies, especially those that were attended only by men.
  • The drink was served while hot

Today, the drink is made but most people add other sweeteners and flavors like vanilla and cinnamon that makes the drink taste even better. To get the best benefits and the ideal taste from the ceremonial drink, only use organic cocoa. You can get organic cocoa, cultivated using the most organic farming methods from

This drink is very healthy as it is full of antioxidants and healthy fats as well as essential vitamins and minerals. Check our article on the health benefits of cacao.