These articles keep on arousing your curiosity right? The topic today is even more fun to read. I will disclose some fun facts you probably did not know about chocolate.

  1. Do you remember the Aztecs? They used cacao beans as a form of currency. They would trade in cacao beans for whatever they wanted to get (barter trade)
  2. King Montezuma II used to drink at least 50 cups of chocolate every day. I can’t imagine he was always high (laughs)
  3. The first chocolate bar was invented in 1847 by Joseph Fry.
  4. During Thornton’s 100th birthday celebration, the largest chocolate ever was made. It weighed approximately 5,792kgs.
  5. It takes 400 cacao beans to make 1 pound of chocolate
  6. The Theobroma tree can live up to 200 years. It can only produce viable chocolate for 35 years only.
  7. Chocolate makes the human heart beat faster and the mind race faster than kissing.
  8. One cacao pod can contain up to 42 beans.
  9. One slave could be bought for 100 cacao beans during the Aztecs reign.
  10. One cacao tree can produce up to 2500 cacao beans
  11. The most famous chocolate cookie in the world was made by mistake!
  12. Chocolate is lethal to cats and dogs. Giving chocolate to dogs and cats can kill them or make them extremely ill.
  13. Cacao has more than 600 flavors compounds.
  14. Eating 10kgs of chocolate could result in the death of a human being
  15. The first chocolate bar was made in England by Cadbury
  16. Dark chocolate is a good source of antioxidants
  17. Chocolate is the only edible substance that melts so close to body temperature. It melts at 93 degrees Fahrenheit
  18. West Africa is the largest producer of chocolate.
  19. It takes up to 4 days to produce a single perfect chocolate bar
  20. It took 8 years to develop milk chocolate. It is the most consumed chocolate to date