Although the organic cacao market takes a very small share of the total cacao, it is gradually increasing especially in the 3rd world countries. Organic cacao is that which is cultivated using environmentally friendly farming methods.

This type of cacao is the best for consumption as it gives 100% benefits of the product. Farmers are adopting production of organic cacao although their produce is not able to meet the demand in the market.

As much as there is a high demand for organic cacao, farmers often times end up remaining with their cacao at home due to lack of market. There is high competition from inorganic cacao which is sold at lower prices. Farmers also end up selling their cacao at the same prices as inorganic cacao to at least make ends meet. Those that value organic cacao, buy it for the right prices and as much as they are few, it motivates the farmers.

Organic cacao is packed with nutrients. Some of which include fiber, iron, copper, manganese, magnesium among others. It also contains antioxidants that help protect the human body generally, skin, hair, and nails.

There is a wide range of products you can get from buying cacao which is a really big plus for the buyer. You can get cocoa powder, cacao nibs, cocoa butter, and cocoa paste. Chocolate is under the cacao paste. Its diversity makes it ideal for use in many industries. Organic cacao can be used in bakeries, pharmaceuticals, toiletries, confectionaries, beauty industry, and beverage dispensers.

Health consciousness and need for premium product is what makes buyers prefer organic cacao. Directing focus to farmers who participate in organic cacao farming could help meet the demands in the market. Emerging markets can also be linked to the producers of organic cacao to create a win-win situation for both the farmer and the supplier.

At Tropical cacao, our main focus is to produce the most organic cacao to fill in the gap in the market and therefore giving consumers the best end-product. Why don’t you try us today?
