Most people will never differentiate cacao from cocoa. Well, that is okay but as chocolate lovers, I have made it intentional to feed us with knowledge about this great product. Although there is not much about the topic on the discussion today, you will get one or two points to carry home.

Although cacao and cocoa powders are by-products of the seeds of the cacao tree (Theobroma), there is a difference in the way they are processed. In the previous articles, I have told you how cocoa powder is formed. The cacao beans are fermented, dried, and roasted under high temperatures. After that, the hulls are removed, and then they are pressed to form the chocolate liquor. they are further pressed to extract cocoa butter and the powder that is left is what is called cocoa powder. Cacao powder undergoes an almost similar procedure but skips the roasting part. The cacao beans are cold pressed to separate the cacao butter from cacao solids. These solids are then ground to form cacao powder. The major difference is therefore on the processing procedures. Cacao powder is pressed under low temperatures while cocoa powder is pressed under high temperatures

The cacao powder is ground and sifted retaining most of the nutrients, enzymes, and minerals. Cocoa powder on the other hand loses most of its nutrients, minerals, and enzymes when pressed under high temperatures. Cacao powder is therefore considered “raw” and better for consumption.

The other difference between these two is the taste. Cacao powder is more bitter than cocoa powder. This again is because of the processing procedures. Cacao powder is however preferred as it is more natural and offers more nutritional benefits.

The chocolate flavor that cacao powder has is deeper than in cocoa powder and this is why most bakers prefer cacao powder. It is rich in flavor and deeper in color.

The cocoa powder loses its power as a superfood when it undergoes processing under high temperatures. Some processing companies also add sweeteners to cocoa powder. Cacao powder is left raw and this allows it to retain all its nutrients and therefore considered a “SUPERFOOD” That doesn’t mean that cocoa powder doesn’t have health benefits, it has. If you visit the grocery store and miss on cacao powder, take cocoa powder. It will work perfectly as a substitute.

However, this is why I prefer cacao powder over cocoa powder;

  • Cacao powder is full of antioxidants. Cacao has been proven to contain more antioxidants even more than blueberries. Antioxidants prevent diseases and help all the vital organs in the body function better.
  • Cacao powder is a mood enhancer. You remember those stories about the Aztecs and how they used cacao to make ceremonial drinks right? Raw cacao powder has compounds that help to relieve the body from anxiety and lift your mood.

If you like leveraging raw organic products as I do, then it’s definite that you will go for cacao powder. At tropical cacao, we ensure the consumers get the best quality, most organic, and benefits-packed cacao. Contact us


Let’s talk about the ceremonial grade cacao. This is the organic cacao we grow at Tropical Cacao and not the generic cacao powder you get from the grocery store. Ceremonial-grade cacao is 100% pure and rich in nutrients. So, how do you use cacao at home? There are so many ways in which you can use cacao but in this recipe, I will focus on 5 of my favorites. Read on!


If you are struggling with dead skin you will thank me after this. Cacao is packaged with anti-aging benefits. Using this simple cacao body scrub recipe will leave your skin nourished and feeling young.

  • Mix 1 tablespoon of cacao powder
  •  1 tablespoon of brown sugar
  • 2 tablespoons of honey.
  • Smear the mixture on your face and body and let it sit for 5 minutes.
  •  Rub your skin gently for 5 more minutes.
  • Wash off with warm water and a clean washcloth.
  •  Follow that with your favorite moisturizer. Enjoy the feeling!


I don’t understand why your steak and roasts are so “plain” and you are doing nothing about it! Let me help you anyway.

  • Add 2 tablespoons of instant finely ground coffee
  • 1 tablespoon of cacao powder.
  • ½ tablespoon of cinnamon.
  • 1 tablespoon of salt
  •  2 tablespoons of olive oil.
  • Mix well
  • Rub it on your meat
  • Grill or cook as desired


Cacao gives that “feel good” vibe, remember? Now imagine taking it every morning! Premium happiness throughout the day! There is a Swahili proverb that says, “Siku njema huonekana asubuhi” it simply means, a good day is seen/appears in the morning. I cannot think of a better way to start your day other than with a frothy cacao drink. Here is my recipe for a good day:

  • Add a cup of milk (use any type of milk) Almond milk gives the best results though.
  • ½ cup of water
  • 3 tablespoons of cacao
  • 2 tablespoons of honey
  • Mix

Enjoy your creamy grade drink with your favorite accompaniments.


If you like cakes, muffins, and brownies then you need good cacao in your pantry. That rich chocolate flavor takes your pastries from 1 to 10 really quick! There are versatile ways to make chocolate pastries and I will give you the assignment to find out about them.


I don’t know if you have been to an ice cream shop and you can’t help but stare at the mouth-watering delicacies! Especially those with chocolate toppings. Well, I was there too until I learned how to make the chocolate syrup I’m about to teach you. It’s easy to make and can be used as a topping for all your desserts.

  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 1 tablespoon white sugar (optional)
  • 1 tablespoon ground cacao powder
  • ½ tablespoon salt
  • Mix
  • ½ cup cold water
  • Whisk until smooth
  • Heat the chocolate mixture until it boils
  • Stir occasionally while allowing it to simmer for at least 3 minutes
  • Remove from heat
  • Add vanilla and stir
  • Serve warm and allow it to cool
  • You can also save some in the fridge for later use!
  • The thicker you want your chocolate syrup, the longer you will let it boil.

After that entire discovery, thanks to me and my research, you are now probably thinking of buying some cocoa to keep in your pantry and use. WE GOT YOU! What other place is better to buy organic cacao, cultivated using the best environmentally friendly methods other than at


You have assumingly been wondering why I keep telling you about cacao. I get that. Cocoa has a variety of products plus a heap of health benefits. I don’t want any of my readers to miss that. That’s why in this article, I introduce you to the products you get from our cacao.


When the cacao tree grows, pods start growing from the tree. These pods are called cacao pods. Inside the cacao pods, you find the cacao fruit and seeds. These seeds are what are referred to as cocoa beans. All chocolate comes from these cacao beans. Cacao fruit is fermented, and then dried. It is later used for cocoa solids (nibs), and cacao butter.


When the cacao beans are separated from their husks and broken into small chunks/bits you find the cocoa nibs. Cacao nibs is chocolate in its most natural state. They are bitter-tasting actual pieces of the cacao bean. Cocoa nibs are packed with phytonutrients hence the name “superfoods” There are various ways to use cacao nibs.


Oil is cold-pressed out of the cocoa nibs to form a dense dry mass packaged with nutrients. This mass is thereafter grounded into fine powder which is known as the cocoa powder. Cocoa powder is packaged with fiber, a fair amount of proteins, carbohydrates, and minerals such as manganese, zinc, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, and selenium among others.


Do you wonder where and how chocolate gets the unique “mouth feel” taste? Cacao butter! Cocoa butter is the edible, stable, and pure vegetable fat that is cold-pressed from cacao beans.  It melts at room temperature and in some cases just below normal human temperature. It is used to make toiletries, pharmaceuticals, beauty and hair products, and some ointments. It is loved for its flavor and aroma. Cacao butter is also known as Theobroma oil.


Chocolate liquor is formed when the cocoa beans are pressed under pressure and then turned into liquid at over 100 degrees (F). This chocolate paste/cocoa liquor then hardens in a solid or semi-solid mold. chocolate liquor has cocoa butter and solids in equal proportions.

Every cocoa processing factory should use cacao that is organic. We want to produce only Cacao that has been grown using the best environment-friendly farming practices. That way the end-users can experience quality, non-toxic end products. That is why we, at Tropical Cacao, stand in the gap to give you the best quality well-grown Cocoa. Contact us.